Anne-Marie Pollowy Toliver, architect, Ph.D.

Ph.D. in General Systems Theory and Cybernetics, 1979; Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities, Yellow Springs, Ohio; now Union Institute & University (UNION), Cincinnati, Ohio [1] [2]

M. Amenagement (environmental planning), 1969, Université of Montréal, Montréal, Québec, Canada

B. Architecture (accredited professional degree), 1960, McGill University, Montréal, Québec, Canada

Academic experience 1968 - 1986

1979 to 1986, Associate Professor (1979) and Full Professor (1982) in the Department of Built Environment Studies, School of Education and Urban Studies, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA

This was the first year for the new professional programs in Architecture and Landscape Architecture. These were additions to the existing program in City and Regional Planning.

Founder and Director, Center for Built Environment Research (CeBER) (See [3] below for major projects.)  The development and organization of the research and community service components for the BES Program included:

Prepared an organization report to identify the goals, structure and processes of the Center for Built Environment Research (CeBER).

Prepared a formal internship and/or work-study program for BES Program students. To this end, a handbook of procedures entitled "Operational Strategy for Internships and Work-Study Programs.”

1968 to December 1978, Assistant Professor of Architecture and Environmental Planning (tenured), and Senior Research Associate, Center for Urban and Community Research and Innovation, Université de Montréal, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.

1972 to 1986 Visiting Professor and Lecturer at the following institutions:

  • University of California at Los Angeles, School of Architecture and Urban Planning

  • Massachusetts Institute of Technology, School of Architecture and Planning

  • Morgan State University, School of Business and Management

  • University of Quebec at Montreal, Department of Geography

  • Sinclair Community College, Dayton, Ohio

  • Department of Business and Management

  • University of Quebec at Rouyn, Faculty of Education

  • University of Montreal, Faculty of Education and Adult Education Program

About “Teaching”

My major goal in teaching is to develop in students a comprehensive theoretical understanding of planning through General Systems Theory and Cybernetics. The objective is to provide a framework from which they could move into various and differing realms of application; from city and regional planning to strategic or operations planning, to any other field in which planning is required.

My strength is using an androgenic learner-centered approach grounded in group dynamics and experiential learning. My objectives in all learning situations are to develop in the student-learner the following characteristics: self and peer-group dependent learning processes, cooperative task achievement, the ability to organize and plan tasks, and a comprehension of the complex environment in which they exist and which they must be able to manage.

I believe in the effective integration of theory and practice, and I bring the latest and most effective theoretical concepts to real-life experiential situations. I believe in the highest possible professional standards for the students, and I encourage the continuous application of their knowledge to community-based projects in Baltimore. I encourage critical thinking and process-oriented learning that is transferable to other situations and environments (a number of our students are from African countries) and remains continuously applicable in the rapidly changing world that we all face. I also provide students with an operational framework to plan their long-term goals and develop alternative strategies.

My strength regarding the academic community is that, with a background in architecture, planning, and management, I bring multidisciplinary and international experience to a set of new professional programs that are going through the accreditation process.

Membership in Professional Organizations (lapsed)

  • Province of Québec Association of Architects

  • Royal Architectural Institute of Canada

  • American Institute of Architects

  • American Planning Association

  • American Society of Public Administrators

  • Academy of Management

  • American Society of Cybernetics

  • Society for General Systems Research

  • World Organization of General Systems and Cybernetics


Pollowy, A. M. and W. H. Toliver, Sr., Elements of Change:  Policies to Projects, Sojourner-Douglass College Press, Baltimore, 1984

Pollowy, A. M., Guide to Thesis Preparation, Department of Built Environment Studies, Morgan State University, 2nd    ed., 1984.

Pollowy, A. M. and W. H. Toliver, Sr., Systems Planning, unpublished course text, Department of Built Environment Studies, and School of Business and Management, Morgan State University, 2nd    ed., 1984.

Cover of book

Pollowy, A. M., The Urban Nest, 1977, Dowden, Hutchinson & Ross, Stroudsburg,     PA, USA

  • 1979, Kajima Institute Publishing, Japanese language translated edition;

  • 1982, Landscape Architecture Foundation, new edition, paperback

The following is a review from the Library of Urban Affairs:

”In an authoritative presentation, Pollowy spells out the many factors planners and designers must consider in devising workable solutions for children living in urban residential settings. The book presents a careful examination of the child's physical, social, and perceptual development, blending theory and practice with a demonstration of the design implications every step of the way.

Pointing to areas of neglect -- inadequate research into daily life with children, insufficient data on joint spaces other than "planned" ones -- the author conducts a vigorous investigation into them. She examines the young child's development as it relates to spatial environment, and the child’s use of the residential milieu, from house or apartment to street and to play spaces.”

Toliver, W. H. Sr., A. M. Pollowy and D. Neal, (1982) "A Self-Developing Community System: Theoretical and Operational Frameworks,” in Dependence and Inequality: A Systems Approach to the Problems of Mexico and other  Developing Countries, R. F. Geyer and J. van der Zouwen (eds.),    Pergamon Press, New York,

Pollowy, A.M., (1980) "Children's play in Indoor Spaces - Focus on High-rise" in Urban Planning with the Child in Mind, P. F. Wilkinson (ed.), Croom Helm Ltd., London, England,

Pollowy, A.M. and W.H. Toliver, Sr., (1980) "Of, By and For Children: A Cybernetic Organization for Managing Urban Space"   in Managing Urban Space in the Interest of  Children, W. Michelson and E. Michelson (eds.), Report #14, Canada/MAB Committee, 1980, reprinted in Ekistics 281, March/April 1980, 156-160,

Pollowy, A.M. and W.H. Toliver, Sr., (1979) "Communication and Cybernetic Control In and Among Social Systems" in Improving the Human Condition: Quality and Stability in Social Systems, R. F. Ericson (ed.), Society for General Systems Research, University of Louisville, 1979 and in Proceedings of the International Meeting of the Society for General Systems Research, London,

Pollowy, A. M. and W. H. Toliver, Sr., (1978) "Using the General Theory of Systems; or Toward a GST/Cybernetic Model of Social Differentiation" in Avoiding Social  Catastrophes and Maximizing Social Opportunities; The  General Systems Challenge, R. F. Ericson (ed.), Society for General Systems Research

Toliver, W. H., Sr., and A. M. Pollowy, (1978)  "Models Used in  Giving GST/Cybernetics to the      Community" in  Avoiding  Social  Catastrophes and Maximizing Social Opportunities: The General Systems Challenge, R. F. Ericson (ed.), Society for General Systems Research

Pollowy, A. M., (1977)  "Children in High-Rise Buildings" in Human Response to Tall Buildings, D. Conway (ed.), Dowden, Hutchinson and Ross, Stroudsburg, PA, USA

Pollowy, A. M., (1971) “Design-oriented approach to developmental needs: An operational  framework  relating Activity  Patterns to  Environmental  Requirements  through  the  Performance  Approach” in Environmental Design and Research Association publication

Invitations to Participate in Regional, National, and International Conferences

Pollowy, A.M. and W.H. Toliver, Sr., The Neighborhood as a  Viable System, paper presented at the 27th Annual Meeting of the Society for General Systems Research, Detroit, May 1983.

Toliver, W. H., Sr., C. Costa and A. M. Pollowy,  A Course as a Cybernetic Elemental Operational Element: System One, an invited paper presented before the American Society for Cybernetics, 1982   Annual Meeting,      October  1982.

Pollowy, A.M., W.H. Toliver, Sr. and D. Neal, ME/MECO, a Self-Developing Community System, paper presented at the 5th International Congress of Cybernetics and Systems, Mexico City, 1981. (ME/MECO was a predominantly African-American neighborhood next to The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Baltimore, Md.)

Speaker, 1981 Regional White House Conference on Aging,    Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland

Panelist, National Conference on Urban Policy, Regional Seminar, Morgan State University, Baltimore, Maryland 1981

Pollowy, A.M. and W.H. Toliver, Sr., Communication and Cybernetic Control in and Among  Social Systems, paper presented at the Silver Anniversary International Meeting of the Society for General Systems Research, London, England, 1979.

Pollowy, A.M., Of, by and For Children: A Cybernetic Organization for  Managing Urban Space, paper presented at the Man and the Biosphere International Symposium, Toronto, Ontario, 1979.

Canadian  Representative to the Year of the Child: Man and the Biosphere International Symposium, Toronto, Canada, 1979.

Workshop leader for an Interactive Workshop on Planning Indoor Play Spaces,  7th Annual World Conference of the International Playground Association, Ottawa, Canada, 1978.

Pollowy , A.M., The Child in the Urban Environment: Toward the Identification of Spatial Requirements, paper presented at the International Conference on Urban Housing, Detroit, 1973.


[1] Union Institute & University (UNION); The university was closed on June 30, 2024

[2] The Université de Montréal, the Province of Quebec Association of Architects, and the Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation (a Canadian Government agency) funded my studies.

[3] Funded research and student projects:


Sandtown-Winchester Community, Baltimore, facilitation of the development of projects addressing community needs; a weekend retreat of community leaders led to a goal - objectives - programs - projects - activities manual

Sojourner-Douglass College, Baltimore, facilitated the investigation of joint program development for construction technology.

Coldstream-Homestead-Montebello Community, Baltimore,

    1. Facilitation of the development of an alternative education plan entitled: Elements of Change: Education Plan.

    2. Planning & proposal preparation assistance: Planning a Family Life Center for the Coldstream-Homestead- Montebello Community, submitted to and funded by the Morris Goldseker Foundation. Requested funding: $32,000.

Proposal preparation assistance for a "Computer Graphics Program,” submitted to FIPSE, Department of Education, USA . Requested funding: $390,000.


State of Maryland, Energy Extension Service - Implementation of Low-Income Tenant Weatherization ($10,000,00) - Energy Savings Demonstration Project (3 staff - 1 student)


National Endowment for the Arts, Design Demonstration Grant ($30,000.00) (1 staff - 11 students)

The NEA Design Demonstration Grant provided the program with its first real opportunity for its research/community service components. To this effect, work has been initiated in collaboration with the Middle-East Community Organization (MECO) for design assistance in housing rehabilitation and overall community development. BES Program students have been employed to work on this project under the guidance and supervision of the project coordinator and other BES faculty.