Lily Ébenspanger
22 April 1906 — My aunt Lily was born about 17 months after my mother, Margit, in the city of Varasd, (Varaždin in Croatia) in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Her parents are Regina Günsberger Ébenspanger and Moritz Ebenspanger
Between about 1908 and latest 1912 — The family moves to Budapest. According to cousin Lily, my grandfather obtained a position as Head bookkeeper for large company.
September 1912 — 8 years old Lily is enrolled in class Ib at Murányi Street 10, a public elementary school (községi elemi iskola) in Erzsébetváros named after Empress Elizabeth.
September 1920 — Lily begins attending the Veres Pálné girls’ Gymnázium in the 5th year. An image of Lily’s report booklet gives the following information:
Father identified as “clerk in a private business” (magánhivatalnok)
Home address: VII, Péterfy Sándor utca 17
Identified as a Hungarian (Magyar) citizen of izraelite religion, mother tongue: Hungarian; additional language spoken: German
15 October 1924 - 15 April 1925 — Lily, always fashion conscious, became an apprentice in the ladies’ tailor workshop of Erzsébet Szoka in Budapest. She officially became a tailor’s assistant after passing the industry’s exam on 28 April 1925.
4 Sep 1931 — Moritz Ebenspanger, my grandfather, dies in Budapest. He was 66 years old.
1936 — Lily, my parents (Margit and Tibor) and grandmother (Regina) live together at Kossuth Lajos utca 17.
19 March 1944 — Nazi Germany occupies Hungary.
4 October 1944 — Baptized at the “Terézvárosi Szent Teréz Plébánia” took name Ágnes
December 1948 — Emigrated from Hungary