Margit Ébenspanger BALÁZS
6 December 1904 — My mother was born to Regina Günsberger Ébenspanger and Moritz Ebenspanger, in the city of Varasd (Varaždin in Croatia) on the Drava River, in the Austro-Hungarian Empire.
22 April 1906 — Margit’s sister (my aunt Lily) is born in Varasd.
Between about 1908 and latest 1912 — The family moves to Budapest. According to cousin Lily, my grandfather obtained a position as Head bookkeeper for large company.
September 1912 — Almost 8 years old, Margit is enrolled in class IIb at Murányi utca 10, a public elementary school (községi elemi iskola) in Erzsébetváros named after Empress Elizabeth.
September 1919 —Almost 15 years old, Margit begins attending the Veres Pálné girls’ Gymnázium. Based on Lily’s report booklet provides family information:
Father identified as “clerk in a private business” (magánhivatalnok)
Home address: VII district, Péterfy Sándor Street 17
Identified as a Hungarian (Magyar) citizen of izraelite religion, mother tongue: Hungarian; additional language spoken: German;
The principal of the Gymnázium was Mr. Straub
1922-1923 — Margit is approved to apply for her matriculation (érettségi) exam at the end of the 1922-23 academic year.
9 January 1930: Margit marries my father, Tibor Balázs. She is 25 years old, and he is 30.
4 Sep 1931 — Moritz Ebenspanger, my grandfather, dies in Budapest. He was 66 years old.
1 December 1934 — Father-in-law Izsák Izidor Balázs, dies in Budapest.
14 July 1938 — A daughter, Anna Mária Balázs is born at the Alice Weiss Maternity Hospital
9 March 1944 — Nazi Germany occupies Hungary.
4 October 1944 — Baptized at the “Terézvárosi Szent Teréz Plébánia” took name Mária
December 1948 — Emigrated from Hungary